For website questions, comments or suggestions E-Mail brother: Bob Vavrick


St. Mary of the Hills Council 13950

•   2675 John R Road    •    Rochester, MI 48307   •    248-853-5390  •

St. Mary of the Hills

4th Degree

Request Assistance Ladies Corner

St. Mary of the Hills Council 13950 was established on January 4, 2006 with a charter membership of 68 brother knights. The Council is dedicated to making a difference and building the future through faith, community, family, youth and fellowship service. This service is conducted under the four principles of our order: charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. As we heard at the Council Charter Presentation, “Each man who is privileged to call himself a Knight of Columbus has a personal talent, one capacity in which he excels to a greater extent than his fellow man.” It is these talents that we call upon to serve our parish and communities.

The council accomplishments are the results of many of our members (and their families) acting together as ONE and in service to ALL. As just one of over 14,250 councils worldwide, we are a family of faith. Our council is guided not only by our belief in God and the Catholic Church, but by our belief in each other, and in ourselves.

St. Mary of the Hills Council 13950 is a Council with a large number of young families. This affords our Council with many opportunities to build the future by working with our youth as we are looking for the next generation of leaders and Knights. The 2007-2008 Fraternal Plan is based on the mission of St. Mary of the Hills parish and the Knights of Columbus.
